This website is intended as an adjunct to the paperback book 'Camp Every County, Washington' by Brendan J. McDonald, available on Included on this website are photographs and texts which could not be included in the paperback edition, where you will find full narrative versions of each section found below.
Battle Ground Lake State Park (Clark Co.'s BEST CG FOR FAMILIES and BEST GROUP CG)

You can hear the glee of kids at the swimming area all over Battle Ground Lake State Park For more photos of Battle Ground Lake S P click HERE |
Paradise Point State Park (Clark Co.'s BEST EQUIPPED/BEST CG FOR RVs and BEST BIKE-IN CG)
 The apple orchard is the last remnant of the homestead that once stood at Paradise Point State Park For more photos of Paradise Point S.P. click HERE
Cold Creek Camp (Clark Co.'s BEST FREE and BEST RUSTIC CG)
Cold Creek stays well under the radar as one of the most beautiful campgrounds in Washington For more photos of Cold Creek Camp click HERE
The entrance to Sunset Falls Campground For more photos of Sunset Falls CG click HERE
- Reed Island State Park Boat-In Campground (Clark Co.'s BEST BOAT-IN CG)
This peculiar island is Clark Co.'s contribution to the Columbia River Water Trail. This is not Catalina, Bermuda, or the Isle of Capri, but a small, narrow barrier island inhabited only by the great blue herons and the deer who make the island their home. Overview: This 510 acre marine park is located 15 miles east of Vancouver and 3 miles east of Washougal in the Columbia River at 26' elevation, open year round; GPS 45.551164462 -122.30249879. Facilities: Limited facilities include a vault toilet, picnic tables, fire grills, two picnic sites with tables and pedestal stoves, and a sandy beach near the campsites for landing boats. There is no water, and garbage must be packed out. At the opposite end of the island is a heron rookery. Note that there are no docks or buoys at the park, so camping access is typically by human powered boat. Recreation: This includes bird watching, kayaking/canoeing, swimming, beach walking and hiking. Fishing from the shore is not recommended. Campsites (10 sites for tents, no hookups, no reservations): Most of the sites are poorly defined, but it is never crowded. In fact, it is seldom used at all. Your only company is likely to be the occasional heron and the naively tame deer on this brushy island. Trip Notes: The first rule of thumb when camping on Reed Island is to remember that this is an adventure, and that you are camping on an island. Not a pretty adventure, nor a comfortable one, but an adventure just the same. Also, try to take the reviews with a grain of salt. The mosquitoes in the campground really are SMALLER than the herons in the rookery. Furthermore, the stumps off the shore do not really EAT fishing lines, they merely tangle them. Just keep in mind that this island can be yours for the taking -- a unique opportunity for adventure. Getting There: Power boats typically launch from the Port of Camas/Washougal (3 miles from the Island). Kayaks launch from Cottonwood Beach at Captain William Clark Regional Park in Washougal (a worthy destination in itself!).
 Reed Island State Park may not be the Isle of Capri, but a small barrier island inhabited only by the great blue herons and deer For more photos of Reed Island S.P. Marine CG click HERE
OTHER CAMPGROUNDS: There are no hike-in campgrounds in Clark Co. that we can recommend at this time. |